Some specific features for blocking calls is something that stock Android has been lacking since always. However, this may have a change with the upcoming Android P. According to XDA-developers, after digging in AOSP code they've found some evidence of a feature related to blocking calls for the stock Dialer.

This commit was part of some new commits that have been added in AOSP by a Sony engineer. This new feature would allow users to block all incoming calls from a number that isn't part of your contact list. Not only that, the new feature will also be able to block:
- Phone numbers that aren't disclosed by the caller (Private calls)
- Phone numbers from pay phones
- Phone numbers that lack any caller ID info.
Furthermore, the blocking call feature will be smart enough to be auto-disabled if you make an emergency call, or if responders need to reach you after dialing 911. The last feature may upset you. According to the code, this feature could be easily disabled by any carrier before selling the handset, so those carriers could offer this feature as a paid service for consumers.
Worth noting, that although this code has been added to AOSP it can't be considered part of Android yet. However, there is a chance of it arrive alongside Android P. That feature will be surely lovable for the most part of people that receives any kind of annoying calls. Thankfully, the wait to see if this feature will arrive Android will not be so long. According to Evan Blass, one of our favorite leakers, the first Developer Preview of Android P is scheduled to arrive before March 15. So stay tuned for more info on this matter.
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