No one wants to lose a premium phone after spending a lot on it. Just imagine losing a total of 125 devices. Now take in mind that all those 125 were expensive iPhone 13s. That is exactly what happened with a man in New York. An Apple iPhone reseller suffered a huge financial loss after being robbed. The man was attacked by two individuals outside of an Apple Store in Manhattan. The unnamed 27-year-old entrepreneur purchased about 300 iPhone 13 units from an Apple Store on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue. The two men attacked the victim and stole his bag containing a total of 125 phones.
A North-American reseller lost $95,000 worth of iPhone 13s
The robbery incident happened at about 1.45 Am. It was reported to the New York Police Department. Despite the trauma, the man didn't suffer any major injuries during the mugging. He was punched in the face. The two men who alighted from a car also left the scene in the same car. The victim is a regular buyer of large volumes of iPhones due to his reselling business. The worth of the stolen iPhone 13 units was put at $95,000. The investigation is going on. However, at the time of this writing, the Police Department didn't find any of the suspects.

We have to agree that the schedule for this purchase was quite... strange. The man chose to make this huge iPhone purchase in the first hours of the day when the streets are not... so populated. Apparently, that was just a bad choice, but the Police Department will investigate the case. It's not clear whether Apple had CCTV footage to aid the police to find the burglars. We expect the store to aid the police in the best way they can find the criminals.
The iPhone and other Apple products are attractive products for criminals
The two criminals certainly were making rounds across the area to spot any possible victim. The high value of Apple products, the iPhone in special, probably is what fuels those criminals on committing such crimes. The high quantity of devices in the bag certainly made this a succesful robbery for the pair. The burglars will probably sell these devices on the black market or even disassembly them for certain components and parts. Worth noting, however, that Apple can track these devices if necessary as soon as they become active.
Worth noting that the price of the iPhone 13 models has skyrocketed since the launch of the iPhone 14 series. Moreover, with the short supply of iPhone 14 units, the last year's models are still attractive to customers.
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