Apple launched the iPhone SE2 last year. Though it has a lower positioning, the phone comes with the same A13 processor as the top model, the iPhone 11. That’s why it won customers’ hearts immediately. This device has a number of other highlights. So it’s logical the Cupertino-based company is going to release a new model from this series. The iPhone SE 2022 is scheduled to hit the market as soon as next year.
If believing in many sources, the machine will adopt a new design. The recently-drawn high-definition renders show what a look the iPhone SE 2022 will have.
iPhone SE 2022 Design
As we can see, the iPhone SE 2022 will adopt a full-screen design for the first time. Compared with the current bangs screen design, it will use a centered hole screen solution. There is only one opening on the front. So this iPhone has a better front visual effect.
Due to the reduction of the bangs area, the iPhone SE 2022 will also lose the high-security Face ID face recognition authentication. The machine will come with a side fingerprint recognition power button for biometric identification. It has been also used on the iPad Air 4 before. And though recently, Apple released the iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5 that solve the problem of face identification with masks, this solution is more useful in the current situation.
In addition, the back of the iPhone SE 2022 will still use a single-camera solution. Thus, Apple will once again rely on its ideal imaging algorithm rather than on hardware.
It is worth mentioning that the outside of the camera module also carries a silver ring. The overall visual effect is very similar to the angel eye effect of Xiaomi Mi 11. Though Apple has been always considered to be a pioneer in many aspects and to have a unique design, this made many people think Apple has decided to copy Xiaomi’s design.
As for performance, the iPhone SE 2022 will still come with the A13 processor, a 4GB memory, and have three storage specifications of 64GB, 128GB and 256GB. The phone should be available in 4 colors of black, blue, green and purple.
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