Recently, the Lenovo Z5 with quite trendy features was announced. At the launch event, the spokesperson said that’s not a big deal to launch such a phone. So no need to praise Apple for launching the iPhone X. If you guess, he wanted to show Lenovo is able to design and launch a notch screen with a decent specs list. Of course, these two phones are positioning different markets, but honestly, the Z5 is a great alternative to all top-branded flagships. All the units from the first and second bunches were sold out instantly. The same happened with the Indigo Blue color option launched today, on June 28. It took only 50 seconds to sell it out.
As for the key features, the Lenovo Z5 uses a double-sided 2.5D glass, an 8-layer technology to create a magical glare body, and other manufacturing processes to provide the best look and touch feelings. On the front, it carries a 6.2-inch full-screen with a resolution of 2246×1080. It supports on-screen gestures for more convenient operations. As for hardware, we can find a Snapdragon 636 mid-range chip, paired with a 6GB of RAM, 64GB of internal storage, and a 3300mAh battery.
All these features sound quite attractive, but the selling point of the Lenovo Z5 is its photographing features. We have already managed to get acquainted with them through official sample photos. As a reminder, there is a 16MP + 8MP dual-camera with an aperture of f/2.0 and an AI portrait mode support. On the front, it carries an 8MP selfie snapper supporting 100 beauty adjustments.
Well, it’s promised the second batch of the Indigo Blue variant will go on sale on July 3 again. It costs 1399 yuan ($211) unlike the red variant, which is priced at 1299 yuan ($196).
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