A good feature in high demand by a lot of users will soon be available on WhatsApp. The company doesn't want its app to generate a lot of notifications, making it one of the most annoying apps available on Google Play. They have been trying the automatic muting of groups so they won't bother you with each message. How does it function? Will all of your groups be muted? We share all that we know with you.
Certain groups will be muted automatically on WhatsApp
You shouldn't be overly concerned because the feature is already reaching users. Large groups might cause your phone to ring or vibrate nonstop all day, as WhatsApp is aware. The company is turning notifications off for all groups with more than 256 members in order to avoid oversaturating users.
If you don't think about muting them, WhatsApp now supports groups of up to 1,024 users, which is a lot. Because of this, all groups with participants larger than 256 will be automatically silent. The messages will keep coming in, but your smartphone won't let you know until you launch the app.
Of course, you may reverse that by turning on notifications if you want to get notifications. The new WhatsApp feature may be to blame if you join a big group and gradually stop listening to notifications.
This rule does not apply to any groups with fewer than 256 members, in which case notifications will still be turned on by default. You can disable them, of course, but manually, not automatically.
The function is currently reaching users gradually, but it's possible that it will soon be accessible to all users. It will be simple and automatic without the need for turning an option in the app's settings. What do you think about the new feature? Will it be of great help to you ? Tell us what you think in the comment below.
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