Huawei has one of the most advanced 5G equipment in the world. The company also has the cheapest 5G construction service. However, many regions like the U.S., U.K., and others have since banned Huawei's 5G devices in their regions. Most of these countries banned Huawei 5G because of a report from the U.S. claiming that Huawei poses a security risk. These regions are willing to spend billions of dollars to expunge existing Huawei devices from their communication networks. However, there are some key nations in Europe that did not join the U.S. train.

According to a new survey report, despite growing concerns about Chinese involvement in critical infrastructure, Germany relies on Huawei for 5G radio access network equipment (RAN) even more than it did for its 4G network. The Global Times reports that the survey is from Strand Consult, a consulting company with its headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. The survey involved 102 mobile network operators in 31 European countries. The aim of the survey is to better understand their 5G networks. The Share of Chinese and Non-Chinese Vendors is one in a series of reports on "Cyber Security and China".
Several European countries use Huawei 5G equipment
The survey results show that in 8 of the 31 countries, more than 50% of 5G wireless access network equipment comes from Chinese brands. Among them, 100% of the 5G wireless access network equipment in one country comes from Chinese brands. Overall, 41% of mobile users in Europe have access to 5G equipment from Chinese brands. In 2020, 51% of European mobile users will use 4G tech from Chinese brands.

The report points to the strong dependence of Germany, Europe's largest economy on China. The report shows that in 2022, Huawei's share of 5G wireless access network equipment in Germany will reach 59%. Also, in 2020, Huawei's share of this equipment in 4G networks will be 57%. Even Huawei's market share in Germany is higher than that in China. This is due to the fact that it has to compete with ZTE in China.
However, some telecom carriers no longer use Chinese parts. Many northern and eastern European countries, notably Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia, use little to no 5G tech from China. Huawei says that its tech is not a security risk. According to Huawei, the U.S. can not keep up with China's growth in 5G thus it is trying to cripple Chinese 5G brands.
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