Google is set to add a "photorealistic bird's eye view" to nearly 100 locations in its Maps service. According to the tech giant, the new functionality will enable detailed sightseeing in many of the world's major cities, including New York, London, Barcelona, San Francisco and Tokyo.
The emergence of the ability to look at objects from above is not analogous to satellite maps and will be a begining of a more sophisticated feature that provides a breathtaking view with stunning views of attractions and a ton of additional information, including weather data, traffic and even indoor interiors - Google announced the feature at the Google event I/O.
The latter feature is due for release for Los Angeles, London, New York, San Francisco, and Tokyo "later this year," while a simpler overhead view evaluation is on the way. How it will look in reality, Google offered to look at the GIF image.
Flyover-like aerial images are now available on Google Maps

In addition to the top view, other new features will be available in Google Maps. For example, it will be possible to find out whether this or that path is the main one; whether there are steps or a steep hill on the way, and whether it is likely to get into an area with heavy traffic. In addition, if someone voluntarily shares their location; it will be possible to receive notifications when the user reaches or leaves a particular location.
According to a Google spokesperson, the ability to view the view from above; and receive location notifications is already rolling out for Android and iOS. Access to updated information for cyclists will also begin to appear in the coming weeks. For sure, new information will be available soon on this new Google Map feature; we will keep you updated on this regard, so stay tuned with us.
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