The Huawei Honor 7X which was launched about six months ago in India has received a permanent price cut from its initial price of Rs. 12,999 ($190) bringing the price down to Rs. 11,999 ($176) for the 32GB variant and Rs 14,999 ($220) for the 64GB variant exclusively on Amazon India. Not just this, the 7X has also received a new software update, bumping the Android Version from Nougat to Oreo with EMUI 8.0 on top.
The new software update brings to the Honor 7X quite a bit of new features including but not exclusive, Face Unlock, Ride Mode and even AR lens. EMUI 8.0 allows a user to assign a fingerprint key to their Paytm app thus allowing for faster payment options.
The Huawei Honor 7X sports a 5.93-inch Full HD+ display with a resolution of 1080 x 2160 pixels and an 18:9 aspect ratio. It is powered by the Huawei's in-house Kirin 659 chipset coupled with 4GB RAM. There are two storage variants available, 32GB and 64GB, both expandable up to 256GB via microSD card. The rear houses a fingerprint scanner and a dual camera setup. It is a combination of 16MP and 2MP sensors. The front houses an 8MP snapper. The phone is powered by a 3340mAh battery with Android 7.0 out of the box which is now upgradeable to Oreo.
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