[caption id="attachment_5466" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The iPhone 4S has left a few fans upset!"][/caption]

It seems our tip off by Foxconn was accurate and the iPhone 5 isn't destined to arrive until next year but don't worry because the wait won't be as long as you thought.
The same Foxconn insider who told us there would be no iPhone 5 in 2011 also told us that the iPhone 4S would be the next 'big' thing and that the iPhone 5 will should arrive next year.
iPhone 5 May 2012
[caption id="attachment_6095" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="iPhone 4 vs iPhone 5 size"][/caption]

But, how long do these hordes of disappointed Apple fans have to wait to update their iPhone 4's to iPhone 5's? Well not long according to our sources who told us the iPhone 5 will arrive as early as May2012!
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