Ebook readers are super popular at the moment. Just yesterday, I met more than anyone's fair share of Kindle like devices, all of which are quite underwhelming to a chap like myself.

I just don’t see the point in a device that has very limited functionality and costs the same as a good netbook. People have commented on the usefulness of the iPad, but Apples tablet is positively feature packed when compared to the various Kindle, Sony and Brand ‘X’ ebook readers.
Chinese company Teclast recently unveiled their K9 ebook reader which addresses some of the short comings of dedicated readers by adding a second 3.6 inch colour touchscreen below the eink main screen.
The Android powered machine is able to read books on the dedicated eink screen ala Kindle and the like, but also supports full web browsing and multi meida playback usually associated with PMP’s and tablet computers thanks to the lower screen.
Unfortunately the extra screen, while giving with one hand, takes away with the other. Extra size, extra weight, extra price, less battery life and less portability.
We’ll stick to out netbooks and tablets for now until colour eink displays become more affordable.
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