The Nokia 6 3GB was launched in India last year for Rs.14,999. HMD Global has gone ahead and slashed the price of the Nokia 6 by Rs.1500, bring the price down to Rs. 13,499. This price cut is probably due to launch of the Nokia 6 2018 at the Mobile World Congress 2018 at Barcelona. Both the Matt Black and Silver color variants have received the price cut. The Nokia 6 is available for purchase on Amazon India.
The 6 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 processor coupled with 3GB RAM and 32GB of on-board storage expandable up to 128GB via microSD card. The phone features a 5.5-inch 1080p display with a 2.5D curved Gorilla Glass on top. On the rear sits a 16MP camera and on the front an 8MP camera. It runs Nougat out of the box but has received an update to Oreo earlier this year. The connectivity options are standard with 4G Volte, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS and A-GPS, and a 3.5mm jack. It is fueled by a 3000mAh battery which charges via micro USB.
The 2018 version of the 6 features a bumped up 4GB of RAM and 64GB of on-board storage. Powering it is the Snapdragon 630 chipset and houses the latest version of Android, Oreo.
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