With the recent new of making its fantastic WebOS operating system open source we now expect a flurry of WebOS tablets to come pouring out of .

Currently Chinese factories make 1000's of different Android tablets, from blatant copies of existing devices such as the Grefu M97 iPad 2 knock off, to truly great bargain devices like the Ainol Novo 7 Ice-cream Sandwich tablet.
With all of the current tablets, plus the almost daily release of new models, the Android tablet market in China is totally saturated, and companies wanting to make a name for themselves are going to want to adopt something new!
Open Source WebOS
WebOS is the operating system HP developed after buying smart phone maker Palm, it's also the OS Apple's Steve Job's wanted to get his hands on, and now it's going to be made open source to anyone who wants to use it.
Currently the only devices running WebOS are the HP Touchpad and Palm 3 smartphone, both of which are great, but neither took off, but this could all change in the coming months as the tablet market continues to become more competitive and Chinese vendors look to spark interest.
$100 WebOS Tablets On the way?
Chinese tablet makers such as Ainol have proven that a $100 tablet is a viable product, and I am sure they can do the same with WebOS and HP take up the development duties.
If Web OS takes off in China, and local makers start developing tablets and phones around the system, current WebOS users can look forward to more applications and more frequent updates, while Android users can look forward to even better priced devices with better hardware!
WebOS going open source in the Chinese market is definitely going to spark some amazing products! Let's hope we don't have to wait to long to see them!
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