The Realme Pad Mini tablet's India launch could be around the corner as the device has made an appearance on the new episode of Ask Madhav. It looks like is teasing the imminent arrival of its new tablet dubbed Realme Pad Mini in India. In the recently posted video of Ask Madhav, the interviewer appears to be holding the grey color model of the Realme Pad Mini. Not too long ago, spotted the tablet on the Realme India website. Aside from this, the company has also confirmed that the Realme Pad Mini will on Wednesday, April 20.
Now, the word on the street is that the company will launch a Realme Pad Mini LTE, as well as a Wi-Fi-only option in India. To recall, Realme launched the aforesaid options of the Pad Mini in the Philippines earlier this month. In the meantime, the rumor mill has been churning out a lot of speculations surrounding the Realme Pad Mini tablet's India launch date. With the Realme tablet making an appearance on the new episode of Ask Madhav, it is safe to assume that it will launch in the country soon. However, the top executive gave the brand's fans something more to cheer about in his latest interview.
Realme Pad Mini India Launch, Expected Price & Other Details
Madhav Sheth teased the Realme Pad Mini India launch and confirmed that the Realme Pad 5G is in the works. Notably, the 5G-ready tab will make its India debut later this month. As the name suggests, the Pad Mini will be a pocket-friendly version of the Realme Pad. To recall, the Realme Pad was launched in 2021. Moreover, the 3GB RAM+32GB storage variant of the Realme Pad currently retails for INR 15,999. The Pad Mini will come with an 8.7-inch display, and pack a Unisoc T616 chipset under the hood. Furthermore, the tab is available in two RAM variants.
A robust 6,400mAh battery with 16W fast charging support powers up the entire system. Also, you will be able to choose between Grey and Blue color options. The tablet adopts a boxy design and has flat edges. For optics, there's a squarish camera module on the back that accommodates an 8MP sensor. Upfront, the Pad Mini houses a 5MP snapper to capture selfies and enable video calling. Moreover, the tablet boots Android 11 OS with a layer of Realme UI 2.0 on top. The Pad Mini retails for Php 9,990 (about INR 14,000) for the 3GB RAM+32GB storage variant.
Likewise, the 4GB RAM+64GB storage variant costs Php 11,990, which converts roughly to about INR 17,000. It will be interesting to see whether the Realme Pad Mini tablet's price in India will be on similar lines.
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