The Realme Watch 3 could launch in India soon. It has bagged the BIS certification before its debut in the country. Moreover, the Realme Watch 3 moniker has also been confirmed by the IMDA and SIRIM. Realme made its foray into India's smart wearable market a couple of years ago. The brand has launched a slew of smartwatches in the country this year. Realme announced the Watch 2 and the Watch 2 Pro for the Indian market in July 2021. To recall, the Watch 2 had gone official in Malaysia in April last year.
Now, it looks like Realme is prepping to bring its third-gen smartwatch into the Indian market. The much-awaited Watch 2 successor dubbed the Realme Watch 3 has been spotted on IMDA. This confirms the moniker of the upcoming smartwatch from Realme. Aside from this, the Realme smartwatch has bagged the BIS certification. This is a major sign that the Realme Watch 3 will launch in India. Realme has been on a launch spree in India this year. Earlier this year, the brand introduced the Watch S100 in the country in two color options.
Realme Watch 3 Set India Launch Is Around The Corner
Now, a new Realme product has popped up on the IMDA website, Singapore. Notably, this purported device carries model number RMW2108. The Infocomm Media Development Authority certification reveals key details about the Realme product. The IMDA certification confirms that the product will launch with the Realme Watch 3 moniker. Moreover, it suggests that the smartwatch will support Bluetooth connectivity. Also, it is worth noting that the device is placed under the Low-Power device category. Now, the alleged Realme smartwatch has appeared on the BIS database as well. Moreover, it carries the same model number.
Interestingly, the BIS database reveals that the Realme Watch 3 will enter the manufacturing stage in UP (Uttar Pradesh). For those who are unaware, UP is a state in northern India. So, there is a possibility that the Realme Watch 3 could be a 'Made in India' product. To recall, a Realme smartwatch with model number RMW2103 made an appearance on the FCC website last month. Now, a Gadgets & Wearables report suggests that it could arrive in the market as the Realme Watch 3. Also, the Realme smartwatch has passed through the SIRIM database with the same moniker. Regrettably, these certifications do not divulge the Realme Watch 3 smartwatch's specs or features.
To recap, the Realme Watch 2 sports a 1.4-inch color touch screen display. Moreover, this screen offers a peak brightness of 600 nits. The smartwatch has a 3-axis accelerometer as well. Aside from this, it comes with a Heart rate and SpO2 monitor. Further, the Watch 2 offers 90 sports modes. Other notable features include IP68 rating, sleep tracking, smart notifications, and more. It features a 315mAh battery unit. Lastly, it can last up to 12 days on a single charge.
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