While Honor launched the Honor 8X inside the confines of the Great Wall of China, Xiaomi announced the Redmi 6 series in India. The series has already been available in China for a while now and it is the first affordable Redmi series to feature a notch display. The only difference is the Global MIUI 9.6 ROM and the price for the Indian market. Also, we expected to see Snapdragon processors on the MediaTek-chip wielding models but that didn't turn out. So, we get pretty much same devices as we saw in China. Below are the prices, specs, and availability details of the Redmi 6 Pro and Redmi 6/6A.
The Redmi 6A is the cheapest starting at Rs 5,999 and will be sold on Amazon starting September 19. The Redmi 6 has a price tag of Rs 7,999 and will be sold on Flipkart from September 10. Lastly, the Redmi 6 Pro starts at Rs 10,999 and will be on sale from September 11 on Amazon exclusively.
Redmi 6 Pro
3GB + 32GB = Rs 10,999
4GB + 64GB = Rs 12,999
Sale September 11, 12PM – Amazon India
Redmi 6
3GB + 32GB = Rs 7,999
3GB + 64GB = Rs 9,499
Sale September 10, 12PM onwards – Flipkart
HDFC Bank card users get Rs 500 off, only for the first sale.
Redmi 6A
2GB + 16GB = Rs 5,999, introductory price.
2GB + 32GB = Rs 6,999
Sale September 19 12PM onwards
Redmi 6, Redmi 6A, Redmi 6 Pro: Specifications
Device | Redmi 6A | Redmi 6 | Redmi 6 Pro |
Display | 5.45-inch HD+ display | 5.45-inch HD+ display | 5.84-inch Full HD+ display |
Processor | MediaTek Helio A22 | MediaTek Helio P22 chipset | Snapdragon 625 processor |
RAM | 2GB | 3GB | 3GB/4GB |
Storage | 16GB/32GB, expandable via microSD | 32GB/64GB, expandable via microSD | 32GB/64GB, expandable via microSD |
Rear Cameras | 13MP | 12MP + 5MP | 12MP + 5MP |
Front Camera | 5MP | 5MP | 5MP |
Battery | 3,000mAH | 3,000mAh | 4,000mAh |
Software | Android 8.1 Oreo with MIUI 9 | Android 8.1 Oreo with MIUI 9 | Android 8.1 Oreo with MIUI 9 |
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