At the Snapdragon Tech Summit, Qualcomm unveiled the next generation of its flagship mobile processor, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. The new platform is built on the 4nm process technology and is powered by the Armv9 architecture. Judging by the chip's peak frequency of 3.0 GHz, many have legitimate concerns that it will be as hot as its predecessor.
Unfortunately, there is every reason to believe that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 also has heat problems. The well-known network insider @Universelce believes that overheating problems are not going anywhere. In his opinion, the new ARM architecture is complete nonsense and is inferior to the one that Apple uses in its chips. The new platform does not offer a qualitative improvement in performance and energy efficiency on par with the Apple A13 Bionic, let alone the new A15 chipset.
From here, the insider draws a disappointing conclusion - the Android flagships of 2022 will be hot. At the same time, Qualcomm is well aware of the existing problems. But it will solve them in a couple of years. There is a risk that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 will also be prone to overheating and only with the arrival of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 will we see quality improvements. And they will be due to the fact that Qualcomm will switch to using the architecture from Nuvia. From now on, according to @Universelce, the good times will come for Android smartphones.
Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 has heating issues while Exynos 2200 won't impress
The same source expressed pessimism regarding the fact that the Exynos 2200 will be powerful. According to him, the new chip will still be inferior to the new solution from Qualcomm. The bet on graphics from AMD will not give tangible progress, and it will lag behind Qualcomm's Adreno video accelerator. Moreover, the Exynos 2300 graphics subsystem will also not be able to compete with the Adreno video accelerator in the future flagship Snapdragon chip.
It can be predicted that Exynos 2200 still has no advantage. Previously, we thought AMD GPU would keep its GPU absolutely ahead. Now, it may still be inferior to Snapdragon, and there will be no gap in CPU. It is difficult for Exynos to get out of the dilemma. And I heard a more surprising news. The GPU of Snapdragon next generation processor (8 Gen2) : Adreno 740 will be greatly improved, which means that Exynos 2300 still faces strong challenges even if it uses mRDNA3 GPU.
Therefore, it is rumored that Qualcomm will adopt nuvia's independently developed CPU architecture from snapdragon 8 gen3. Perhaps, this is a bright start for Android mobile phone users. By the way, the architecture of arm is too garbage. The CPUs of 8 gen1, Exynos 2200 and D9000 have no significant improvement in performance or power consumption. Not as good as A15, not even A13.
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