Samsung Electronics is one of the major manufacturing giants in the world today but in recent times, the company has been hit by some unfortunate incidents. Recall that sometime last year, the Galaxy Note 7 battery went up in flames which forced the company to recall the device at a huge cost. About a month ago, Samsung released the Tizen 3.0 OS to the Gear S3 and this was expected to be a revolutionary update to Gear users but it wasn't. The update came with a bug that made the Gear S3 battery run down at an alarming rate alongside other issues and the company had to work on a revised update a couple of days later which is currently rolling out now. There are also several reports of some units of Samsung Smart TV's experiencing overheating which leads to melting of screen corners in severe cases. Now, there are several reports that some units of Samsung Galaxy Note 8 wouldn't turn on or charge once the battery drains to 0%.

As of now, it is not certain how many units are affected but Samsung is aware of the problem and the company is offering a replacement to the affected units on a case per case basis. From all indication, this issue is not a simple one as customers have tried everything to no avail. The only advice here is to return the device for a warranty replacement unit. Samsung note 8 units from Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, and Sprint have all reported this problem. If you have the Galaxy Note 8 and have experienced this issue, share your experience with us in the comments section below.
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