According to media reports, Tesla Berlin Gigafactory, which was determined to be built in November 2019, had a grand opening ceremony on March 22nd this year. At the grand opening of this factory, the company officially announced that production will start the same day. The first model to be produced in this factory is the Model Y. The weekly output of this super factory has reached 1,000 vehicles last week. Furthermore, the Model Y production takes place in three-shift from next Monday.

The Model Y production capacity of the Berlin Gigafactory continues to increase. This means that their ability to supply European markets, including Germany, continues to increase. However, the latest reports show that even though the Berlin Gigafactory is in operation and the production capacity is increasing, Tesla is still exporting the Model Y from the Shanghai Gigafactory to the German market.
Tesla Model Y from Germany has some defects
According to reports, Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory has some high-performance versions of the Model Y. There are also reports that the Tesla Model Y from the Berlin Gigafactory had some safety defect issues that will need repairs. The report however believes that the company can easily fix these defects through software upgrades. These defects are the main reason why we still have Model Y shipping in from China. The safety defect only affects some Model Y but it appears that it does not affect the long-range Model Y. The long-range Model Y by Tesla in Germany are currently from the Shanghai Gigafactory.
Tesla’s Gigafactory in Shanghai began to produce Model Y after the completion of the second phase at the end of 2020. After delivering to Chinese users for a period of time, it began to export to the European market. This factory will continue to export to Germany and other European countries for the time being.
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