Chinese phone makers have been making Galaxy Note 3 clones even before Samsung announced their phablet. The unlocked Orientphone N8000 at just $132 is the cheapest we have seen so far!
The OrientPhone N8000 is based on the same Note 3 chassis we have seen many other phone built on. We’re not sure who the OEM is, but it appears they have set up a kind of mix and match facility allowing companies to produce Note-3-a-like phablets with whatever specs they please.
Catering for the entry-level phablet market the OrientPhone N8000 sports the same size 5.5-inch display as similar phones but at a more cost effective level, meaning it has a low resolution of 960 x 540. Running apps and the Android 4.2 is handled by a 1.3Ghz quad-core MT6582 processor, 1GB RAM and there is 4GB of on board storage plus space for an SD card.

Other features include dual-SIM, 5 mega-pixel front camera, 13 mega-pixel rear, Bluetooth, WIFI, GPS and 2 x 3400mAh battery packs.
The OrientPhone N8000 is on sale now for $132 through OrientDeal.
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