The situation that has seen Huawei as the protagonist in recent months would seem to be at a turning point. From Monday the fate of the company will be much clearer, but some unexpected implications could once again change the cards on the table.
On August 19, in fact, the temporary business license granted by the United States to the Chinese giant would expire. Huawei would thus be in a tight spot, and in the last few days, many people wondered what the fate of the company would be after this deadline.
According to some sources close to the situation. It would seem that the US Department of Commerce is going to extend the concession offered to Huawei. In order to allow the Chinese brand to continue to buy components from American companies. In this way, it will be possible to continue supplying existing customers and maintain current telecommunications networks.

This extension would, therefore, renew an agreement that otherwise, as previously mentioned, would be destined to expire in two days, that is the next 19 August. The move would also make it possible to continue to provide software updates to Huawei devices.
The extension would have a duration of 90 days. And once again demonstrates how the trade relations between the US and China are flexible within the "Huawei case". All this, according to the sources, could, however, change before the deadline set for next Monday, so there is still no official status of this concession. Just this weekend, an institutional call should take place between the respective presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping.
At the moment the Chinese company would seem to have no statements to release. As well as the Chinese Foreign Minister.
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