Huawei has received another 90-day moratorium from the United States government, after the Temporary General License (TGL) issued in May. This gives the Chinese company three more months to continue buying components from US companies.
Although this extension might sound like a step towards the definitive elimination of the import/export ban for Huawei, the US government has made it clear that these additional months are simply meant to give US consumers the time needed to get away of Huawei equipment.
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said that they continue to urge consumers to transition away from Huawei’s products”. “Simultaneously, we are constantly working at the Department to ensure that any exports to Huawei and its affiliates do not violate the terms of the Entity Listing or Temporary General License.” said Wilbur Ross, US Secretary of Commerce.
In the same announcement, the US Department of Commerce has also stated that it has identified 46 more subsidiaries of Huawei that will be added to the Entity List.
Any import or export of items not covered by the TGL data will require the application for a license. Directed to the Office of Industry and Security "with the presumption of refusal".

Huawei strongly attacks the US for its decision to add 46 subsidiaries to the Entity List
The reaction of Huawei was strong in a new statement in reference to the inclusion of subsidiaries of Huawei in the Entity List.
We oppose the decision of the US Department of Commerce to include another 46 Huawei subsidiaries in the Entity List. It is clear that this decision, taken at this particular moment, has a political motivation. And has nothing to do with national security.
These actions violate the basic principles of free market competition. They do not benefit anyone, including American companies. Attempts to suppress Huawei's business will not help the United States achieve technological leadership. We call on the United States Government to end this unfair treatment and eliminate Huawei from the Entity List.
The extension of the temporary general license does not change the fact that Huawei has been treated unfairly. Today's decision will not have a substantial impact on Huawei's business in any way. We will continue to focus on developing the best possible products. And providing the best possible services to our customers worldwide.
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