Qualcomm will officially release its latest flagship processor, Snapdragon 8 Gen1, in early December. This is also Qualcomm's first 4nm chip and it has been attracting a lot of attention in recent times. There is a race to the finish line for the brand to launch this chip. For many weeks, it appears as though the Xiaomi 12 will be the clear winner. However, lately, Motorola has been releasing some teasers indicating that it has a chance.
Of late, the Motorola flagship with the Sandspragon 8 Gen1 has more reports than the Xiaomi 12. However, popular Weibo tech blogger, @DCS recently gave us some hints about the appearance of the Xiaomi 12. The leak shows the rear camera design of this upcoming flagship smartphone. From the leaked image, we can see that the Xiaomi 12 rear camera design is similar to the Redmi K30S. It comes with the main camera, an ultra-wide-angle camera, and a macro shooter.
In terms of the components, Mi Fans calls this arrangement "Big Eyes and Small Eyes". It feels very cute and interesting. It is worth mentioning that this arrangement has been used many times by Xiaomi and Redmi in the past two years. The company is already familiar with the internal stacking of this design. Thus, it will be easier to save more space for the battery thereby making the device thinner and lighter.
This may also be an important reason for the previous rumors that Xiaomi 12 has improved in stacking and the body will be lighter and thinner.
Xiaomi 12 other speculations
The Xiaomi 12 device will come with an LTPO adaptive refresh rate screen. This feature will realize an adaptive refresh rate adjustment function between 1 - 120Hz. This feature will also bring an automatic adjustment of the display. This means that when a user activates a high-demanding game, the refresh rate of the display automatically sets to 120Hz. However, when the user is on a social app, it reduces the refresh rate significantly. This will ultimately help in the power consumption of the device.
Under the hood, the Xiaomi 12 series will have a large capacity battery. This series is expected to come with a battery capacity of about 5000 mAh. The wireless charging will be only 50W because of the regulations in China. The large battery will get a full charge within 20 minutes and this will be a new record.
In addition, Xiaomi 12 series will also arrive with MIUI 13 out-of-the-box. A few days ago, when Lei Jun communicated with netizens, he said that MIUI is making every effort to improve and will definitely do better. According to Lei Jun, "MIUI 13 will arrive at the end of the year and he hopes it will meet everyone's expectations.
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