We've all been expecting the official announcement of the Xiaomi Mi 6 flagship along with its larger sibling (Mi 6 Plus) and a lot of speculation has been made regarding some of its hardware like for example its dual camera, its main processor etc.

A new post today on Weibo however, deals with a different part of its hardware that could create massive problems for the device. We're talking about the home button of the device, one that also doubles as a fingerprint scanner.
According to recent leaks from analysts like Sun Changxu for example, the upcoming Mi 6 model is expected to use an ultrasonic fingerprint scanner similar to that of its predecessor, Xiaomi Mi5s. This small part is embedded under the front glass - just like the one iPhone 7 has and allows designers to create more impressive smartphones with better usability features.
However given its position, this fingerprint scanner also works as a home button, but with one small detail: it doesn't press down. In order for it to perform its task, a a linear motor is needed to provide vibrational feedback, the same way iPhone 7 does.
This is where the news comes today, when another analyst called @Mocha RQ, mentioned that while the iPhone 7 uses a 10$ worth linear motor, the one on the purported Xiaomi Mi 6 costs a little under 1$, thus providing less vibrational feedback and perhaps lower reliability.
Do you think this could be an issue? (if the information is valid of course).
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