The Noise ColorFit Pulse 2 has been launched in India. The newly launched smartwatch succeeds last year's Noise ColorFit Pulse. To recap, the first-gen smartwatch arrived in India in January 2021. Now, the Noise ColorFit Pulse 2 offers a slew of notable upgrades over the last-gen. For instance, it sports a larger display. Further, it has more sports modes than its precursor. Notably, it is the fourth entrant in the brand's Pulse series.
The ColorFit Pulse Buzz smartwatch went on sale in India last month. Also, Noise launched the ColorFit Pulse Grand smartwatch in the country in February this year. The original Noise ColorFit Pulse also landed in the country recently. Now, the Noise ColorFit Pulse 2 price in India is under INR 2,000. This is lower than the price tag the Noise ColorFit Pulse carries. Further, the smartwatch boasts an array of other awe-inspiring features.
Noise ColorFit Pulse 2 Launched In India
The Noise ColorFit Pulse 2 will retail in India for INR 4,999, as per a report by PriceBaba. However, Noise will be offering it for a special launch day price of INR 1,999. For this price, you get a feature-laden smartwatch. Moreover, the ColorFit Pulse 2 will be available for purchase on Amazon India starting from July 13 at 12 PM IST. You will be able to choose between multiple color options. These include Olive Green, Space Blue, and Mist Grey. It will also come in Rose Pink, and Jet Black.
The ColorFit Pulse 2 sports a 1.8-inch display, which offers 40% more screen area than the previous model. Also, the screen supports 550 nits brightness. The right edge houses a rotating digital crown for navigating the UI. Moreover, the smartwatch has a slew of health-related features. It supports heart rate monitoring and sleep tracking. It can also count steps, calories burnt, and more.
Moreover, the Noise ColorFit Pulse 2 supports Bluetooth calling. It also sends notifications for incoming messages. You can manage these settings directly from the smartwatch. Lastly, it provides weather alerts, social media updates, and more.
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