It appears as Chinese phone maker Elephone is actually working on releasing a Vivo NEX-like smartphone with a camera that pops up from the middle of the frame, allowing you to snap photos while not having a bezel at the top. Or at least that's what they want us to think with their latest revelations.
So, what does this lifting mechanism look like? Let's check it out in the GIF below.

It seems quite obvious that this is the same technology we find on the Vivo NEX. There's a tiny spiral stepper motor on the right which is what pushes the metal bracket attached to the camera.
Another neat detail we notice in the short GIF is the dual camera setup on the lifted module. If this were to be confirmed, it could be a very unique feature for the upcoming Elephone PX. Phone manufacturers have already put a camera that pops up, and two cameras at the front, but nobody ever made a lifting camera module with dual shooters.
This looks like a lot of work for Elephone, but at least they're trying. Then people will decide whether they want it or not. More info on the Elephone PX will be available on the official website when time is due.
What's your take? How soon do you think Elephone will be able to produce such device?
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