At the iPhone 14 launch event, an Apple spokesperson said that the A16 Bionic chip in the Pro models is the most powerful processor in a smartphone. Looking at its characteristics, it’s difficult not to agree with him. For instance, to capture a single photo, it realizes over 4 trillion operations. The chip comes with a 4nm process. But many people think it has almost no differences compared with the 5nm. In other words, the company just tries to squeeze the toothpaste. In this regard, the upcoming Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 might make a tough competition for the Apple chip. According to the latest leaks, its GPU performance will be slightly better than that of the Apple one.
Further reading: Who Will Launch The First Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Smartphone? Motorola Or Xiaomi?
Today, a Chinese leaker revealed some specs of the upcoming Qualcomm chip. Particularly, he said that the current mobile phone chips operate in the range of 3.4GHz - 3.5GHz. The forthcoming Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 should clock at a faster frequency. As for the graphics, its GPU will perform much better. By the way, MediaTek's flagship series, the Dimensity 9 lineup, will continue to focus on CPU performance.
The blogger also said that though the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 will be on par with that of the Apple A16, there will be a certain gap between these two in terms of CPU performance.
Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Parameters
From the previous leaks, we learned that the upcoming Qualcomm flagship chip would be manufactured by TSMC, using a 4nm process technology. Also, it will adopt a new architecture solution of "1+2+2+3." In simple words, the chip will consist of one X3 super core, two A720 large cores, two A710 large cores, and three A510 high-efficiency cores. At the same time, it will upgrade the graphics card to the Adreno 740. As a reference, the current model uses the Adreno 730 GPU.
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