Realme introduced the Realme 5 Pro smartphone in India with Android 9 Pie in tow. The handset was later revealed as Realme Q in China. Worth noting that during this week, the handset got Android 10 based Reame UI 1.0. While Realme's brand new interface comes with a bunch of new features such as dual earphone connection, animated wallpapers, customizable icon shape, new charging animation, Realme Share and more. With Realme UI, the company promises a close-to-vanilla Android approach, but we all know that this isn't exactly the case.
While Realme UI is crafted to provide a near-stock Android experience it still feels like ColorOS. In case you wish to enjoy a true Pixel like Android experience on your 5 Pro, there is good news for you. The Realme 5 Pro finally gets official Pixel Experience (Android 10-based) support. If you're unaware, Pixel Experience is a custom ROM that brings all Pixel features, sounds, boot animations to the supported smartphones. If you like Realme 5 Pro hardware, but isn't a fan of the software, now it's time to enjoy a true vanilla Android experience.
To flash a custom ROM, users will need to unlock the bootloader of their devices. Then, the next step is to flash a custom recovery. Worth noting that flashing a custom ROM does not affect the warranty of the Realme devices. After all, the company is very friendly to Custom ROM developers
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