Realme launched the Realme C3 in February as a solid offering for the low-end segment. The handset brought a 6.5-inch HD+ display with waterdrop notch housing a 5MP camera and a dual-camera in the rear comprising 12MP + 5MP shooters. It was the first smartphone to feature Helio G70 SoC. It's a low-budget gaming handset that can run intense games like PUBG in moderate settings, however, it was far superior to other mid-range offerings like Qualcomm's Snapdragon 439. The handset came with Android 10-based Realme UI straight out the box, but the company keeps updating it to be on par with recent releases.
It's good to see that a budget device like this one is getting adequate software support. Today, the company is rolling RMX2020_11_A.21 update that brings bug fixes, performance enhancements and April 2020 security patch. The update is quite small weighing the only 211MB is size. It also includes some optimizations for the cameras.
As you may expect, the update is rolling in a gradual form for Realme C3 users in India. That way, it may take several days or just a couple of hours to arrive in your smartphone. You can try to force check this update via Settings >> Software Update menu. Apart from the capable specs, the handset also shines thanks to its 5,000mAh battery. Unfortunately, it's capped at 10W charging.
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