The Fire-Boltt Ninja 3 smartwatch has been launched in India. The smart wearable boasts an impressive array of features. The newly-launched smartwatch succeeds the Fire-Boltt Ninja 2. To recap, the Ninja 2 was launched in India back in January. Notably, the Ninja 3 has gone official just over 5 months after the launch of its predecessor. However, there's a notable difference between the Ninja 2, and its successor.
The Ninja 2 made its debut as a budget smartwatch. However, the Ninja 3 carries a slightly steeper price tag than its precursor. Nevertheless, it will still cost less than INR 2,000. Now, the Fire-Boltt Ninja 3 is teeming with amazing features. Moreover, it sports an eye-catching touch screen display and carries an IP68 rating. The smartwatch supports 60 sports modes and its battery can last for 7 days. Now, let's check out the Fire-Boltt Ninja 3 price in India and other key details.
Fire-Boltt Ninja 3 Price & Availability In India
The Ninja 3 will be up for grabs with a price tag of INR 1,7999. Further, it will go on sale in India via Amazon starting from May 23. Also, you will be able to choose between multiple color options. These include Rose Gold, Navy Blue, Dark Green, Silver, and Black. The official Fire-Bolt website shows that the smartwatch will retail for INR 7,999 once the promo ends. You can press the "Notify Me" to stay updated about Ninja 3's availability.
The Indian AIoT products manufacturer has been on a launch spree in India this year. Moreover, the brand's smart wearables are usually loaded with awe-inspiring features. Fire-Boltt unveiled the feature-laden Ninja Pro Plus last month. Now, the Fire-Boltt Ninja 3 is no exception. First off, it features a 1.69-inch display with a 240 x 280-pixel resolution. Aside from this, you get to choose from multiple watch faces.
Key Features
Notably, you need the companion app to pick your favorite watch face. Further, it has a button on the side for navigating the UI and menu. The Fire-Boltt Ninja 3 also supports real-time heart rate monitoring. Moreover, it comes with a SpO2 monitor to track blood-oxygen levels. The Ninja 3 has a sleep monitoring feature as well. Now, the watch supports as many as 60 sports modes. These include walking, running, football, and more. Also, it packs a robust battery under the hood.
The Ninja 3 can deliver a battery life of up to 7 days. Moreover, it carries an IP68 rating so you do not have to worry about sweat and splash of water. The smartwatch supports call alerts and a slew of other smart notifications. As if that weren't enough, the Ninja 3 comes with built-in games that do not require an internet connection.
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