The PlayStation 5 is conquering its space in the market more and more every month. Talking about the financial results of the last fiscal quarter, referring to July to September, Sony has revealed, this Thursday (28), that it has sold more than 13.4 million units of the console worldwide. The company is performing well with its console even with the shortage of power semiconductor chips. In fact, the crisis has significantly hampered video game production, the Japanese giant has sold more than 3.3 million devices in the last three months alone.
In addition to the good numbers achieved with the PS5, Sony also revealed that the PS4 sold more than 200,000 units in this period. Compared to the same time in 2020, more than 1.5 million last-generation consoles were sold. The PS4 reached 116.6 million units sold. However, Sony's 200,000-unit figure in this fiscal second-quarter already indicates a notable consumer preference for the company's latest hardware. It's a natural move, especially in places where the PS4's price is almost crossing the next-gen barriers.

Maybe it is still too early to try to predict a boost on PlayStation 5 sales, but with the data presented, the console, even with the difficulties in the production line, presents a performance similar to the PS4 at the beginning of its sales.

Recently, the next-generation video game has also performed excellently in the North American market. The sales performance was so good that it broke Nintendo's 33-month streak of dominance, according to Mat Piscatella, an analyst at NPD Group.
Sony earns record profit with PlayStation 5, PS4, PS Plus, and PC games
Interestingly, not only the PS5 sales were successful during the period. In fact, Sony has posted record industry revenue. In the last 12 months, the company earned an amount equivalent to US$ 26.09 billion dollars. That's a remarkable achievement in a year that was still affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in multiple ways.
First of all: is it the best in history? Yes, however, it refers to the period from July to September — Q2, according to the documents. The gaming division earned about ¥645.4 billion or US$ 5.68 billion. Operating profit was ¥82.7 billion or US$728.33 million.
Sony is also slowly expanding into the PC segment. The company launched Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone on PC. In the coming months, we'll get Uncharted and even God of War. Kratos' latest adventure with his son, Atreus, is already the best-selling game on Steam. Unfortunately, Sony is not being much clear when it comes to its plans for PC.
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