Back in November, reliable tipster Digital Chat Station revealed that Vivo will launch a tablet with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 SoC at the helm. Interestingly, this shows the high interest from the BBK group in the tablet market. Realme already launched its very first tablet last year in the form of Realme Pad. However, unlike the Vivo Pad, it was a budget tablet with the Helio G80 SoC. Meanwhile, Oppo another of the Vivo and Realme's sister brands is also rumored to bring its first tablet soon. Vivo is just another brand in the huge Chinese conglomerate aiming at the tablet market. However, it's good to see that, unlike Realme, the brand is bringing something beyond the mid-range market with the Snapdragon 870 SoC. Now, there are more details about the tablet as well as possible prices.
Vivo Pad alleged specifications and price
The info comes again from the reliable Digital Chat Station. He brought a few more details about the slate, including its price range. According to him, the Vivo tablet will pack a "super-large and narrow frame full screen" with a 120 Hz refresh rate and will pack a battery with a typical capacity of 8,000+ mAh and a rated capacity of 7,860 mAh. For now, it's unclear if the display will be an OLED or a standard LCD. This is open as the tablet isn't mid-range classified. The market is screaming for more tablets with OLED displays, but let's not hold our breath without a proper confirmation first.
Talking again about the battery, it's interesting to note that a vivo device believed to be a tablet was spotted on TUV's website last year with an 8,040 mAh battery. Details about the remaining specs of the device are still unknown. Anyway, we can expect the tablet to come with 8GB or even 12 GB of RAM, and 128 GB or 256 GB of Internal Storage. We can also expect a good selfie camera with at least 8 MP and a more capable rear camera. Vivo may even surprise us with a dual-camera setup, which is not really common on tablets, but it's a plus.
According to the Digital Chat Station, we can also expect 44 W charging with this tablet via USB Type C. The device probably has a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and stereo speakers. As per the tipster, it will cost CNY 2,000 ($315 / €280 ) in China. Unfortunately, there is no word on international availability.
Vivo is yet to share any official info regarding the launch of its first tablet. We can expect this info to emerge in the upcoming weeks.
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