Xiaomi unveiled its Mi 11 flagship in December last year featuring Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 chipset and a whopping 108MP camera. The brand unleashed just a single phone and we knew that it was just the beginning. Last year, we got several phones under the Mi 10 family, and we're expecting the Mi 11 series to have the same treatment. Since December, we have been hearing and seeing multiple rumors and leaks regarding new Mi 11 variants - Mi 11 Pro and Mi 11 Ultra. Apparently, these devices will hit the market very soon. According to the very reliable @IceUniverse, the Mi 11 Ultra which will be the first packing Samsung's 50MP GN2 sensor may go official at the end of the month.
The leakster revealed weeks ago that Samsung's new 50MP sensor would be first equipped by the Mi 11 Ultra. There are reports suggesting that the Mi 11 Pro will also pack this sensor and will also have a mini display on the back that will help users to take selfies with the main cameras. Both flagships are expected to come with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888.
Samsung's 1/1.12" GN2 will be the largest sensor we see in a smartphone this year, says @IceUniverse. Samsung developed it with large pixels instead of aiming for 100+ megapixel resolution. With a 4-in-1 pixel binning, the camera will bring outstanding low-light performance. This camera will also pack a Dual Pixel Pro autofocus system and will deliver faster and more accurate focus locks.
Mi 11 Ultra and Mi 11 Pro will have a similar camera configuration
The Mi 11 Ultra and Mi 11 Pro will feature periscope lenses with 48MP sensors and up to 120x digital zoom. The optical zoom will probably be limited to 5x. The third camera will be a 48MP snapper with ultra-wide-angle coverage. As we've mentioned above, both phones will come with a unique secondary display. The obvious functionality is having the display as a viewfinder for taking selfies with the main camera. However, we assume that Xiaomi has more features in tow for this particular screen.
We've been seeing the handsets in multiple leaks lately. So it makes sense to consider that they are close to a release. However, Xiaomi didn't book a date for a reveal event. It isn't building hype for new smartphones as well, so if they are set to come this month, we expect the teasing campaign to start very soon.
The Mi 11 Ultra and Mi 11 Pro may close March with a golden key after the OnePlus 9 series launch in the coming days.
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