Qualcomm will launch the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 in a few weeks from now. So, the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 will longer be the "trending" chip for phone makers. We expect a race to determine the fastest brands in launching phones with the newer SoC. As usual, Motorola and Xiaomi are among the first. As per the leaks, Xiaomi may take the lead again after losing it in 2021. The Xiaomi 13 series will launch in December with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. As time draws near, more and more leaks are emerging. This time, the leak depicts the Xiaomi 13 Pro camera setup.
Xiaomi 13 Pro alleged specifications
As per the reports, the Xiaomi 13 series will debut the new chipset, but this is not the only highlight. The Xiaomi 13 Pro has a triple-camera setup with a 50 MP shooter leading the way. Can you guess this camera inside the Xiaomi 13 Pro? It's the 1-inch Sony IMX989 50 MP camera - the very same as the Xiaomi 12S Ultra main camera. In fact, it's the only 1-inch camera available at the moment. This sensor was co-developed by Sony and Xiaomi and the R&D cost was $15 million. It ensures more light and overall performance. Still, it does not seems to be exclusive to Xiaomi devices. A recent report suggests the Vivo X90 series will also bring it, but that is another story.
Worth noting that the remaining specs are similar to the Xiaomi 12 Pro. So, we're won't be seeing major upgrades for those coming from the Xiaomi 12S series. If you want more camera upgrades, you'll probably need to wait for the Xiaomi 13S series. Anyway, the Xiaomi 13 Pro will also bring the Surge C2 ISP, the Surge P2 custom chip for charging, and of course, Leica's optimizations. For now, the remaining details on thespecs sheet are unclear.
Apart from the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, we can expect things such as Samsung E6 AMOLED and a high-refresh-rate display. Anyway alleged details are available here. The Xiaomi 13 Pro may bring up to 12 GB of RAM with up to 512 GB of Storage. We expect the Xiaomi 13 Pro to also debut MIUI 14 with Android 13 as the underlying Android version.
As per the rumors, the company will launch a vanilla, a Xiaomi 13 Pro, and a Xiaomi 13 Lite variant.
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